Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Build a bunker cause the end is nigh!

We're facing a horde of socialist/communist/zimbalist/fascist Children of the Corn thanks to President Obama's indoctrination speech today. This was an unprecedented act horror! If you love America you'd be wise to shoot the next 5 pre-kindergarten to 6th grade kids you see who were brain washed this morning.

You'd also be wise to take the following steps in preserving our republic/democracy/beacon of capitalism:

1. Build and stock a shelter so you can ride out the up coming apocalypse. It's a coming, believe you me!

2. Force out people in your neighborhood who drive Hybrids. Don't try to save them, they're too far gone down the evil road of Liberalism

3. While you're at it, force out the uninsured. Their lack of responsibility in obtaining health insurance is a beacon for the 4 Horsemen and you don't need that on top of the waves of brainwashed kids trying to kill you and your old people. Plus the free market wants them dead and nobody, but nobody, fucks with what the free market wants

4. Don't "hope" things will get better, and don't try to "change" things either. Hope and change got us into this mess, and they damn sure won't get us out!

Follow these steps and you will truly become a patriot because you will have defended this great nation of ours!

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