We're half way through the first full week of '10 (by the way, it's either twenty-ten or two-thousand ten. First person I hear call it ought ten is going to have their face pushed through the back of their skull) and I feel it necessary to explain my simplistic New Year's Resolutions. My resolutions being #1 Don't Suck and #2 Don't Die. Sounds straight forward enough, but when have I ever been one to make things easy for myself?
Let's go over the Don't Die part. Sounds simple enough, and it is: don't fucking die before the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2011. But it's a bit more than that. If you know me then you know I call myself a fat ass quite a bit. True I've lost weight, but I'm still fat. I'm shooting for 180lbs. Why? Other than it's where I think I SHOULD be it's also where my brother is trying to get to and I'd take some pleasure in seeing him be the heavy one for once... Even if it is just 3 pounds.
Another part of Don't Die will require some doing financially or a few minor acts of insurance fraud. I haven't been to the dentist, orthodontist or doctor in a damn long time. I've got an extra molar/wisdom tooth somewhat coming in (it's stalled out half way), I'm missing two teeth (right up front) and my left knee has decided it doesn't like me most mornings. It's time for this guy to go in for his 15,000 mile check up.
That's it for Don't Die. Now it's time to explain Don't Suck.
Don't Suck really involves shooting more, snowboarding/skating more (and better) and this. Writing. And going back to school, but that'll come later.
Shooting more sounds simple: take more photos. And while it can be, I don't want it to be. I'm trying to get more model shoots and car shoots. It's a tremendious pain because #1 nobody knows who the hell I am and #2 I'm an insignificant fish in the big damned pond that is automotive photographers in Utah. It's a hell of a hill, but I'm ready to scale it. I've signed up for a ModelMayhem.com account and I've been propositioning every new member of UtahHondas.net with a clean car. And I'm going to be stalking around Miller again as soon as Wide Open Wednesdays gets going again.
Onto the next: snowboarding and skating more and better. I love both, but I feel more natural on a snowboard. I've gone 2 days this season and I had a shit ton of fun. I want to go more, but unfortunately my schedule isn't permitting me to do so. Hopefully my schedule will open up so I can get more quality time in and make some progress. Skating more will come as soon as it warms up. It'll be great.
Writing comes naturally. It helps to have something to write about (i.e. pictures), but I've soldiered on with nothing to write about before and I'll do it again. It's fun, I enjoy it and as I see it that's what I should be doing right now.
So there you have it, my resolutions of Don't Suck and Don't Die explained
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