Yes the camera I've been using for so long, the thing that covered SEMA, shot beautiful women, brought you some ghetto trackside coverage was bought for $100. And it's quite the tale. Gather 'round children and let old Uncle Yom tell you how I got a hold of this piece of cutting edge techno wizadry*!
Almost three years ago my friend Trent (the Funnyname Media guy, you know the organized one) brought me an opportunity to take some photos of some classic American cars of one of his co-workers. I said I'd do it and so one morning we were in his truck on the way to Kamas to the guys house.

At the time I was rocking my Pentax *istDL, and I was in love with the thing. It was (and is) still a solid camera. Trent had a Canon Digital Rebel, and he enjoyed it.
After we finished shooting the guy invited us to look around his garage where we saw a '64 Impala SS and a 396ci motor on a stand. I had put my camera in the truck, but Trent had his Rebel so I grabbed it and started firing away. I enjoyed shooting with it and so, when I got home, I started looking into picking up a Canon.
A few months later Trent has upgraded to a more recent (read: better) Canon body and he offered me the Rebel, the 18-55mm kit lens and a battery for $100. I jump on it and give him all the cash I had. He gave me the camera and as soon as I had the rest of his money I took it to him. By June the Reb was officially mine, rocking a vertical grip and making me look more pro than I was.

And that's the best $100 I ever spent.
*At least I think it was $100. I'm almost positive it was because I remember telling everyone that the grip cost more than the camera, and I remember paying $135 for the grip on ebay.
It was $100. Glad it's served you well.